This web site was created due to the fact that all the websites found on the Internet touting to have a list of contact information for lenders, banks and various creditors all fell short of the mark. They were either outdated, contained erroneous information or just were not comprehensive at all. I am constantly updating this web site to make sure that you have everything you need to get a modification, settle your debts, sell your home or just walk away from your home quickly. If you find an error on one of the pages, please let me know and I will correct it as soon as possible. Lenders are constantly in a state of flux as they try to streamline their process and follow the ever changing guidelines from the government. The Lenders section has an extensive list of phone and fax numbers for servicers, in case you want to do a modification, short-sell your home or reinstate your loan. The Creditors section has an extensive list of numbers for creditors and collections agencies; this comes in handy when you have fallen behind on your credit cards and you want to make payment arrangements with your bank. The Documents and Forms section has an extensive library of forms that may be required by your servicer. Please check here before applying for a modification. The Resources and News section provides updates on what's going on in the world of modifications, outside links that I've found useful and also information on questions that people have asked me a lot. Finally, if you want to get in contact with us, please send us an e-mail here... |